Re: Aryan invasion theory and race

From: Max Dashu
Message: 64705
Date: 2009-08-11

"Racism" certainly does allot unequal rights to people of different
rights, but it doesn't stop there. Doctrines of racial inferiority
and superiority originated as a justification of conquest,
colonization and denial of rights, and have functioned as a key
support for same, so they can hardly be left out of the definition.


> It would seem to me that "racism" defines a political ideology that
>allots unequal rights to people of different races. In that strict
>sense, there is nothing racist in Watson's quoted statement, for he
>doesn't deny people of what he determines to be the lower-averaging
>races any rights that he allows the higher-averaging ones.

Max Dashu
Suppressed Histories Archives