Re: New way of getting Goth-

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 63896
Date: 2009-05-07

--- On Thu, 5/7/09, tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

From: tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...>
Subject: [tied] New way of getting Goth-
Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 5:26 AM

I shouldn't be looking at pages like this:
http://www.paabo. ca/uirala/ veneti.html

But there were some ectra facts he wouldn't know that might support his Finnic koti -> got- etymology.

Here is the Uralic kot- in cybalist:
http://tech. com/group/ cybalist/ message/56045
http://tech. com/group/ cybalist/ message/2005
and in UEW:
'kota 'Zelt, Hütte, Haus' FU
Finn. kota 'Zelt, Hütte der Lappen; Viehküche';
est. koda (Gen. koa) 'Haus, Gebäude, Vorhaus, Sommerküche der Bauern' |
lapp. N. goatte -ð- 'tent; Lapp hut', L kå:hte, K (161) T kiø,tte, Kld. kuø,tt, Not. kuo,ht, A kø,t 'id.; Tasche, Beutel' |

mord. E kudo, M kud 'Haus, Wohnstube' |

KB kuð&^,U kuðo 'die tscheremissische Sommerhütte',
B kuðo 'ein Haus auf dem Hofe, das zur Sommerzeit als Küche benutzt wird' |

ka, ko: S kor-ka 'Haus' (kor 'Balken'), vu-ko 'Mühle' (vu 'Wasser'), kwa, K kwala 'wotjakische Sommerhütte',
G korka 'Haus, Stube' |

syrj. ka, ko, ku:
S ker-ka, P ker-ku, P ke•r-ku, kò•r-ku (ker 'Balken'),
S vic´-ko, P vic´-ku 'Kirche' (vi3´ 'Fasten') |

ostj. (OL 90) V kat, DN xot, O xat 'Haus' |

ház (Akk. házat) 'Haus; Familie; (altung.) Zimmer', ëgyház 'Kirche',
haza 'heim, nach Hause; Vaterland, Heimat',
házas 'verheiratet, verehelicht' .

>< ? ieur.: *kata-:
aw. kata- 'Kammer, Vorratskammer, Keller',
pers. kad 'Haus'.
Uraltes Wanderwort (vgl.
türk. kota 'Haus',
mong. qota(n) 'Einzäunung, Dorf, Stadt, Haus',
ainuisch kot 'Hausplatz, Platz',
tamil kut.i 'Hütte, Haus').
Vgl. noch
altind. kut.a- 'Festung', kut.i- 'Hütte'.
Die ung. Ableitung házas wurde von mehreren Forschern (Wichmann: FUF 11: 214; Setälä: FUF 13:376 mit ?; Toivonen: FUF 19:205; Zsirai: MNy. 22:185) irrtümlicherweise mit finn. kansa 'Volk' und seiner Wortsippe verknüpft. Das finn. Wort kansa s. unter *kansa 'Volk' FP.'

Obviously I'm free to posit this as a gloss of the ar-/ur- language, substrate to IE and FU (as well as of other languages).

Now if this is true the this might also be
*kodán- > *gUdán-/*Gdan- , and
*gUdán- > *GUdán- > *gótan-, and
*Gdan- > *dan-

That would make the Danes one of the Got-/Jut- peoples which were already there in Scandinavia before the Odinist invasion.

Most of Pokorny's roots in *rei- mean something with "round"; I wonder if the Reidgotar were "those of the round houses"? I don't know if that matches archaeology.


OK, but we also have *kot- as in cottage 

I forget all its cogeners but I'm sure they're in the files somewhere, if not in Hubschmid et al.