Re: [tied] Re: Franco-Provençal

From: Arnaud Fournet
Message: 63159
Date: 2009-02-19

>> Definitely, American English probably kept final /r/ dues to the
>> large Scots and Irish presence, as well as the Germans, who tended
>> to learn prescriptive English at school --hence Midwestern English
>> as the US standard
> Try listening to the retroflex /r/ of this sample of Leids (from
> Leyden) dialect, eg in 'woord' at 0:10.
> To my ear, that /r/ is closer to the Standard American /r/ than
> anything I've heard in Scots.
> Torsten

Impressive !

It sounds like CNN with a sore throat !

Torsten, you should be elected Cybalist Guru.
