Re: Kuhn's ar-/ur-language

From: Arnaud Fournet
Message: 62819
Date: 2009-02-05

----- Original Message -----
From: Jonathan Morris
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:14 AM
Subject: [tied] Re: Kuhn's ar-/ur-language

Hello Torsten,

charming as ever. I was thinking of:
W.P. Schmid "Alteuropaeisch und Indogermanisch" (Mainz1968) and "Baltische
Gewaessernamen und das vorgeschichtliche Europa" (Idg.Forsch. LXXVII, 1972,
pp. 1-18)

As for Arnaud:
The reference is Chapter 16 - El sistema vocálico de la lengua indoeuropea
paleohispánica - in F. Villar, Indoeuropeos y no indoeuropeos en la hispania
preromana, University of Salamanca press.

The Villar chapter describes a 4-vowel system, i, e, a, u - which looks
similar to Kuhn's but Villar is resolutely pro-IE and cites lots of examples
of river names containing ur in Andalucia, which can't possibly be Basque.
Thank you,
Unfortunately, it does not seem to be easily accessible on the web.

I wonder what "lots of examples" really is and how one can assert anything
really clear.

Anyway, I'm not ready to blindfoldedly buy the idea that an Indo-European
language could be responsible for a very old layer of toponyms in the
Hispanic penisula, and in Andalucia on top of that !


If you read the entry for urus 'river' in Greenberg IE & Its closest
relatives, you'll see that it's a general Eurasiatic root in IE, Altaic etc.
Hence, ur in Basque is either a genetic cognate or a borrowing from IE (I
can;t see how it can be the other way round, since you would have to explain
how it gets from Basque to Altaic).


Such a segment as <ur> is phonetic smash-up and it can originate in about
I'm not surprised the notorious Greenberg chose that piece of nothingness.
It guarantees absolute leeway for unlimited fancy.
I suppose just <u> would too much look like a scandal,
but <ur> is a learned and clever scandal.
