Re: French phonetics

From: Francesco Brighenti
Message: 62741
Date: 2009-02-02

--- In, "Arnaud Fournet"
<fournet.arnaud@...> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Francesco Brighenti" <frabrig@...>
> > The problem is, in case, the lack of the [ts^] phoneme in French.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Francesco
> >
> ===========
> This phoneme definitely exists, not only in words like match which
> nicely translates into English as match,

'match' is an English loan in French.

> but in other words like tchatche, tchatcher,

"tchatche [of which the verb tchatcher is a derivative]: argot pied-
noir dérivé de l'espagnol chachara, 'conversation animée mais
futile' (de chacharear, 'bavarder')."

> pitchoune,

"Région. (Provence)... Mot prov. signifiant 'petit'..., formé sur le
rad. expr. pitch- qui évoque la petitesse. Cf. a. prov. pichon
adj. 'petit'... et arg. pechon 'garçon mercelot, apprenti-gueux'."
I suggest to compare this Provençal word with Old Italian
piccino 'little one, child'.

> and tchat, tchater.

"tchat [of which the verb tchatcher is a derivative]: (XXe siècle)
Francisation de l'anglais to chat."

Thus, you provide two English loans, a Spanish loan, and a Provençal
word to demonstrate that the [ts^] phoneme exists in French?

Tsk, tsk...

Wouldn't you find out some Old French words to support your

> I google frantchesco to see what happens:
> "Mon nom c'est Francisco. Comme la ville, tsé. Avec un 'i', commme
> dans fran - 6 - co. Pourtant, time and time again, je suis
> confronté à des gens qui m'appellent 'franTCHESco'. Je ne sais pas
> d'où ça sort, ni comment ça arrive, parce que généralement c'est
> des gens à qui je VIENS de me présenter qui m'appellent comme ça."
> People spontaneously call him Frantchesco when they should call
> him Fransisco !!

Didn't you notice that this blogger, Francisco Sottolichio, is a
Quebecois, not a French? Please make a search starting from

He might well be called 'franTCHESco' just because there is plenty
of people of Italian origin named Francesco in Canada! Moreover, his
surname, Sottolichio, is most certaily of Italian origins, being a
variant of Sottolicchio (attested in Istria, as I have just
verified, in the 18th century). This might be an additional valid
reason for people to change his name from (Spanish) 'fran-6-co' to
(Italian) 'franTCHESco'!

Pleade provide some valid examples from FRANCE!

> M. Brighenti, your survey of French rendition of Franc^esco is
> garbage.

I wouldn't say so. Why are you casting doubts on my personal
experience of that? Do you think I'm a liar?

You have still to show me that the [ts^] phoneme is part of the
genuine phonemic repertoire of French...
