From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 62204
Date: 2008-12-20
> --- In, "Brian M. Scott"[...]
> <BMScott@...> wrote:
>> I merely pointed out that as a matter of empirical factThose who use it completely unselfconsciously. I rather
>> 'I could care less' is today an acceptable idiom
>> expressing indifference.
> Who says that it is acceptable?
> How can anyone say who it is that decides what is properYou keep talking about proper English as if the notion were
> or acceptable or normal?
> The president? The Queen? You and I are both dealing inI'm not arguing about a difference in subjective opinion;
> subjective territory, and we have a difference of
> subjective opinion.
> You agreed that you would probably not say "ten police",I know damned well that it's not representative, in all
> but differ from me in saying that your speech is not
> representative.
> OK not representative, but does that mean that theOf course not. This is a straw man: at some point I
> standard is to say and write "ten police"?