Re: From here to eternity [was: *y-n,W- "subordinate"?]

From: Pavel A. da Mek
Message: 61782
Date: 2008-11-21

>> It's quite strange that ... people with 35 years life
>> expectancy could confuse youth, life-time and eternity.
>> They lived very short lifes
>> for that reason the word "life" could not become "eternity"

From the viewpoint of people with the averege lifetime of 35 years
are the maximal lifespan of 120 years and the etenity practically equal

(And regardless the value of the life expectancy, if something lasts all
my life, it is indistinguishable from eternal.)

> What's clear is that if you use an aprioristic argument
> to show that something cannot have taken place
> and the evidence shows otherwise,
> you need to rethink your argument.

But the elementary logic says:

If people who use the word for "eternity" derived from the word for
"lifespan" can not exist,
and we are speakers ot a language which derives the word for "eternity"
from the word for "lifespan",
then we do not exist
and therefore our all our arguments are immaterial and void :-)