Re[2]: [tied] Re: Scandinavia and the Germanic tribes such as Goths,

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 61431
Date: 2008-11-06

At 3:19:12 PM on Wednesday, November 5, 2008, george knysh

> --- On Wed, 11/5/08, bmscotttg <BMScott@...>
> wrote:

>> Anti-parallel, so to speak: the Romans admired Greek
>> culture, and the borrowing went in the other direction,
>> from Greek to Latin.

> ****GK: There may have been a bit in the opposite
> direction from the 6th c. onwards. I'm not sure how much.

Nor am I, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised to find

> Perhaps not too much, but specialists would know. When the
> Eastern Roman Empire became hellenized. It's interesting
> that the Byzantines consistently referred to themselves
> (in Greek) as "Romei"  (obviously from the Latin
> "Romani"").****

And as I understand it still thought of themselves as the
direct continuation of the earlier Roman Empire.
