From: Edgard Bikelis
Message: 61278
Date: 2008-11-02
So should we use a single symbol <u> for [u]/[w] and a single symbol> How could the i- and u- declension work otherwise? Like skt. nom. sing.
> pát-i-h, pl. pát-ay-ah, or nom. pl. tráy-ah, loc. triSú. And the
> conjugation... *H1ei-: skt. subjunctive áy-a-ti, imperative i-hí, or
> 'to run', dráv-a-ti, part. dru-tá-.
> Edgard.
<i> for [i]/[j]? Would that be an improvement over the apparently
more common use of <w> and <j> or <y>, or the practice of writing
brevets over <u> and <i> to indicate their consonantal (or perhaps
better "non-syllabic") pronunciation?