Re: [pieml] Labiovelars versus Palatals + Labiovelar Approximant

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 61186
Date: 2008-11-01

On 2008-11-01 21:46, Arnaud Fournet wrote:

> Doesn't work either. Unstressed -we- or -wo- doesn't give -u-.

They do. For example, the root *swe(:)p- 'sleep' has the zero grade
*sup-, as in *sup-no-; the zero grade of *h2weks- 'grow' is *h2uks- (as
in Skt. uks.ant-); the zero grade of *weg^H- is *ug^H- (RV uha:na-).
Lots of similar examples could be given, including, of course,
