--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Edgard Bikelis" <bikelis@...> wrote:
> It's irrelevant if it is a browser or a mail reader, as far as my
> encoding is concerned, if it can render unicode properly. I am
curious about
> what kind of program doesn't do that... I guess even linux console mail
> readers can, nowadays. So let's rephrase: what program is being used?
I read the message in a browser, Firefox to be precise. The
programming issue is one of converting the incoming e-mail message to
the encoding of the surrounding text - mostly menus nowadays, but
formerly containing 3rd party adverts. (Google Groups seems to manage
this task.) Fortunately, if persues the options on the page supplied
one can find the encoding of the original e-mail (which is generated
by Yahoo when one replies using a browser) - to me, 'Simplified
Chinese' is not an obvious guess.
It's because of the effort required from the human reader that we
have, in
l> , Technical Recommendation 2:
"To minimise readability problems, use `West European' encoding (that
is, the `Latin-1' or ISO-8859-1 character set) whenever possible. If
you find it necessary to use something more sophisticated (e.g.
UTF-8), do so sparingly and don't forget to warn the list."