Re: Salt, s-/h- ALLOBROGES

From: Arnaud Fournet
Message: 61087
Date: 2008-10-29

----- Original Message -----
From: "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...>

> ======
> Are you sure
> the way you are using "Venetic"
> makes any sense and has any relationship
> with the way Lejeune uses "Vénète" ?

I hope it makes sense. That's for everyone to decide for himself.
I use it in the 'Pokorny-sense'.

I don't understand what this means.
Please explain.

> I'm afraid you are calling someone
> as a witness for your "hyper-Venetic" case
> Who does not support anything of your own theories.

Fear not. I'm quoting Lejeune, not calling him upon him as witness for

You are using the coincidence of your theory being called "venetic"
and Lejeune's language being called "Venète"
as a reason to quote Lejeune's book.
Therefore calling upon him as a witness,
I think he would disagree.
