From: Arnaud Fournet
Message: 60731
Date: 2008-10-09
----- Original Message -----
From: kishore patnaik
The word is Indic, not the concept and the sphere of influence of Varuna :
rta, magical links, unfriendly universe.
NO. In fact, the unfriendly universe seems to be only a part of Varuna's
world - there are specific papers available on this , online. May be
Fransesco will supplement when scholars started recognizing that Varuna did
have certain negative elements. Perhaps, the negative elements were the
precursors for Rgvedic Yama.
No to what ?
Varuna is basically a fearsome deity, when Mitra is friendly
and the pair of deities is found elsewhere
that's the point.
This destroys your claim that Varuna is indic.
Only the name is.
Nothing supports the idea of a growth followed by a decline.
Your conclusion is just absurd.
I thought it was obvious. Few (and very few ) recognize Varuna as a Monarch
yet, he lost his prominence. The verses attest his prominense, that they are
very few and belong to earliest RV shows that he did grow in his prominence
very early. In fact, absnece of myths about Varuna is a sure shot proof that
he was very early god.
His decline is accepted by all - by Puranic times, he became a mere second
line god, responsible for one direction.
Kishore patnaik
You claimed Varuna first grew,
This part of your theory is unsupported.
NB M. Patnaik, could you format your mails properly so that > is added to
previous lines.