Re: long, flat, full

From: Arnaud Fournet
Message: 60625
Date: 2008-10-06

----- Original Message -----
From: "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...>
> > ============
> which is why it is present in so many language families (the Peter
> Bellwood hypothesis).
> ===========
What is this hypothesis ?

> I don't understand the relationship between your references
> and the words full and flat.

The *akW/p- root is the primeval river.
The *bh/p/-l/r- root is crossing the river, dividing stuff, going
across the river of life and death, etc. The various *plen,- etc stuff
has to do with dividing space, surface, line into two, to create a
bounded space, surface, line, and so is semantic subfield of the
*bh/p-l/r- root.
I still do not understand what 'river' and 'divide' have to do with 'full'
and 'flat'.