Re: Yeniseian

From: Arnaud Fournet
Message: 60127
Date: 2008-09-18

----- Original Message -----
From: Rick McCallister

--- In cybalist@..., "Arnaud Fournet"
<fournet.arnaud@ ...> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I'm glad to inform you that my article about Yeniseian languages
> being a so far unrecognized branch of the IE family has gone
> beyond a first hurdle.
> Arnaud
I hope you have incorporated in your article a discussion of Edward
Vajda's linguistic study that established on firmer grounds than
ever before that Yeniseian and Na-Dene are close relatives:
How well received is Vajda in main-stream linguistics?

Dear Rick,

I have chosen to focus on my proposal : a new subgroup of IE.
I also suggest Yeniseian borrowed a lot of Uralic words, which I have listed
but separated from IE cognates.
As a consequence, it makes little sense to look for cognates in Basque, Eyak
or whatever when these words are loanwords.
As a matter of fact, it's quite incredible that so much ink has been spoiled
on loanwords and erroneous translations of Russian !!
Cf. pochka erroneously translated by Ruhlen as meaning "kidney" when it
means "bud"...
I'm not supposed to explain what other people do !
I push my own little wagon in the mine.
