Belgic Veneti

From: tgpedersen
Message: 59978
Date: 2008-09-11

Strabo's Geography*.html
IV, 4, 1
'After the aforesaid tribes, the rest are tribes of those Belgae who
live on the ocean-coast. Of the Belgae, there are, first, the Veneti
who fought the naval battle with Caesar; for they were already
prepared to hinder his voyage to Britain, since they were using the
emporium there.
It is these Veneti, I think, who settled the colony that is on the
Adriatic (for about all the Celti that are in Italy migrated from the
transalpine land, just as did the Boii and Senones), although, on
account of the likeness of name, people call them Paphlagonians.'
V, 1, 4
'Cispadana is all the part that lies next to the Apennine Mountains
and Liguria, while Transpadana is the rest. The latter is inhabited by
the Ligurian and the Celtic tribes, who live partly in the mountains,
partly in the plains, whereas the former is inhabited by the Celti and
Heneti. Now these Celti are indeed of the same race as the Transalpine
Celti, but concerning the Heneti there are two different accounts:
Some say that the Heneti too are colonists of those Celti of like name
who live on the ocean-coast; while others say that certain of the
Heneti of Paphlagonia escaped hither with Antenor from the Trojan
war, and, as testimony in this, adduce their devotion to the breeding
of horses — a devotion which now, indeed, has wholly disappeared,
although formerly it was prized among them, from the fact of their
ancient rivalry in the matter of producing mares for mule-breeding.'

Or they are all related? And are the Veneti, if Belgic, NWB-speaking?

Cf. on Venelli/Winnili
DBG 2, 34
'At the same time he was informed by P. Crassus, whom he had sent with
one legion against the Veneti, the Unelli, the Osismii, the
Curiosolitae, the Sesuvii, the Aulerci, and the Rhedones, which are
maritime states, and touch upon the [Atlantic] ocean, that all these
nations were brought under the dominion and power of the Roman people.'
DBG 3, 11
'He sends Q. Titurius Sabinus his lieutenant, with three legions,
among the Unelli, the Curiosolitae, and the Lexovii, to take care that
their forces should be kept separate from the rest.'


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