Re: Latin animals' names -R (rhotacism?)

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 59682
Date: 2008-07-29

On 2008-07-29 13:05, Alexandru Moeller wrote:

> Piotr, I wonder why you stil consider as having pre-ProtoItalic (!)
> loans in Slavic since to me it appears these are loans from ProtoRomance
> into Slavic. Which are some secure criteria which speaks for loans
> from pre-Proto-Italic (!) instead from loans from ProtoRomance ?

If *goNserU is one of them, you can see why: The initial *g- can't be
Proto-Romance, but it could reflect pre-Italic *G- < *g^H- before it
developed to Lat. h-/zero. See also *luna 'moon' < *lou(ks)na: (Slavic
*u must reflect *ou, not *u:). There is more such stuff.
