Leo-pard =lion+male panthère
Gué-pard = cheetah = cat panthère
From Latin Pardus = Tiger From Grec Pardalis From Iranian roots (?)
I can't find more IE roots Pard- = feline/panther except Sanskrit Prdakuh
http://www.etymonli ne.com/index. php?search= leopard&searchmode=none
c.1290, from O.Fr. lebard, leupart, from L.L. leopardus, lit. "lion-pard," from Gk. leopardos, from leon "lion" + pardos "male panther," which generally is said to be connected to Skt. prdakuh "panther, tiger."
Pat mon blog ici http://blogs. allocine. fr/blogs/ index.blog? blog=patrick- cuadrado
mon cd disponible ici = Sidaventure : je pense au sida http://www.dailymot ion.com/relevanc e/search/ sidaventure/ video/x2pc1b_ si