58578fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58581Patrick Ryan2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58585fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58588Patrick Ryan2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58591fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58593Richard Wordingham2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58594Andrew Jarrette2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58597fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58600Richard Wordingham2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58616Richard Wordingham2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58619fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58620Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58623Richard Wordingham2008-05-18Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58632fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58718Richard Wordingham2008-05-20Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58731fournet.arnaud2008-05-21Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58740Rick McCallister2008-05-21Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58744Piotr Gasiorowski2008-05-21Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58746tgpedersen2008-05-21Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58748Rick McCallister2008-05-21Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58751Brian M. Scott2008-05-21Re[2]: [tied] Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58870Brian M. Scott2008-05-25Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58873tgpedersen2008-05-25Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
58886Brian M. Scott2008-05-26Re: [MTLR] RE: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)