Re[10]: [tied] Re: PIE initial *a

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 58544
Date: 2008-05-16

At 10:07:14 PM on Thursday, May 15, 2008, Andrew Jarrette

> Rick McCallister <gabaroo6958@...> wrote:
> --- Andrew Jarrette <anjarrette@...> wrote:


>> When my daughters were in prep school in MA, they picked
>> that up, along with /hows/ for "house", and /h@.../ for
>> "home"


> But what sound is @?

ASCII IPA for schwa; Cybalist replaced it with /&/, which is
normally ASCII IPA for /æ/, because at one time the '@'
symbol caused problems. I think that Rick is saying that
<home> became more or less [hVm].
