Re: [MTLR] RE: 'Laryngeal' Theory to be replaced by Vocalic Theory?

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 58432
Date: 2008-05-10

At 6:26:01 AM on Friday, May 9, 2008, Patrick Ryan wrote:


> Even if the instrumental ending were -*He (Miguel prefers
> -*eH1), [...]

Miguel and a whole bunch more; ones that I can verify
quickly include Beekes, Baldi, and Michael Weiss. If I'm
not mistaken, an instrumental singular in either the full or
zero grade of *-eh1 can be reconstructed for all stems,
which makes for an attractive picture.

> Miguel, also in error, mentioned a thematic vowel
> preceding this termination. In this case, that must be
> regarded as a simple slip of the pen.

Hardly. Even if he hadn't carefully explained the basis for
the idea in his recent long post, he's mentioned it before.
As much as six years ago, in fact. The idea might be wrong,
but it's certainly not in any way similar to a slip of the
