From: Rick McCallister
Message: 58272
Date: 2008-05-02
> Rick McCallister <gabaroo6958@...> wrote:
> -
> Yes I believe all languages ultimately do go back
> to
> Africa but, as I say, that's part of my belief in
> the
> unity of mankind and not something I have the
> wherewithal to prove. Give the recent revelations
> about the small population of humans in Africa and
> the
> split between Khoi-San and non-Khoi-San peoples, I
> would guess--not pronounce-- that language arose
> before the split and that Khoi-San was the first
> group
> to split from the main body of languages. After
> that,
> your guess is as good as mine
> --------------
> In researching "Khoi-San" since I know nothing of
> this genetic and linguistic classification, I found
> the following statement about the extinct language
> Damin of Australia which also uses clicks like
> Khoi-San: "Damin is an invented ritual language, and
> has nothing to do with Khoisan." If you're
> wondering why I am quoting this, it's because of the
> first part of the quote, that it is known to be an
> invented language. To me, this raises the question:
> Is not all language ultimately invented? I think
> language must have originated in deliberate,
> premeditated manipulation of speech sounds for the
> purpose of communication, i.e. was invented, like
> Damin. I don't think it was just a natural
> automatic act like blinking or eating. I think it
> was more akin to cooking, where choices are made as
> to the product of the action. Arbitrary, but
> deliberate. Is language not an invention? Is it an
> automatic natural act? Or are these unnecessary
> questions?