Re: Magyar uveg

From: tolgs001
Message: 58054
Date: 2008-04-26

According to János Harmatta

(Iráni nyelvek hatása az õsmagyar nyelvben [The influence of Iranic
languages upon old Hungarian]. In: Honfoglalás és nyelvészet
[(Hungarian) colonization and linguistics]. Budapest, 1997, pp. 71-83),

in Hungarian there are old, middle and new Iranian loanwords:

• religion: ég, isten, menny, imád ("heaven", "god", "paradise",
"prayer") in old Hungarian

• in middle old Hungarian - eastern Iranian loanies: köles, in
("sinew"), hús ("meat; flesh"), szekér ("cart"), vászon

• presumable Alan loanies: bûz ("stench"), fizet ("to pay"), özvegy, nemez

• in the late old Hungarian - Iranian loanies:

(1) Alan: asszony ("lady"), gazdag, hid /hi:d/ ("bridge"), which
acc. to J. Harmatta entered the language when Paleohungarians were
somewhere near the Don river and the Crimea peninsula;
(2) Khwarezmian loanies: egész ("whole; entire; integer"), idegen
("foreign"), üveg -- the area of the "intake" Volga and Khazaria);
(3) Persian (North-Western) loanies: dob ("drum"), ing ("shirt"),
kard ("sword")

Source: Szemle [review]. Honfoglalás és nyelvészet [Hungarian
colonization and linguistics]. A honfoglalásról sok semmel. III.
Fôszerkeztô [editor in chief] Györffy György [historian], Veszprémy
László. Balassi Kiadó [publ. house], Budapest, 1997, 266 pages
