Re: ...uveg <-> uiag&...

From: tolgs001
Message: 57997
Date: 2008-04-25

>uj fused into ü

It wouldn't have worked: plenty of Hung. /uj/'s. There's no need to
make any
/ü/ of it.

>when the suffix -eg is attached, the glide is -v- because ü is a
>rounded vowel, this really makes sense.

The /v/ would have been necessary due to the vocal harmony: /ujeg/
wouldn't have worked. /uj/ requires /Og/.

These plays also illustrate that in Hungarian both circumstances could
work /üv/ and /uj/. Whereas in Romanian there hasn't been such a
vowel as /ü/, so it has had to be replaced either by /u/ or by /i/.
And the
/v/ could've stayed there if the stress had fallen on the 1st syllable.
But this is the big difference: in Romanian the 2nd syllable is the
stressed one (the diphtong), whereas in Hung. the 1st one.

What's more: if the root should be the first syllable, the Hungarian
variant could also be analysed this way /'üv-eg/, but the Romanian
one only if the first syllable is a DIPHTONG and the stress falls
on it /uj-a-g&/. In reality, the pronunciation is /u-<stress>ja-g&/,
by the one half of the users community, the other half of the users'
community being the one that has no /u/ in the pronunciation of
the same word: /<stress>ja-g&/, because the /u/ disappeared God
know how many generations ago. (However, the latter group of
native speakers are very well aware of the neighboring pronunciation,
but never emulate the former group.)
