Re[2]: [tied] Re: On the ordering of some PIE rules

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 57780
Date: 2008-04-21

At 7:24:06 PM on Sunday, April 20, 2008, fournet.arnaud

> From: "Richard Wordingham" <richard@...>


>>> Nord-Caucasique zGar(-bi) "hérisson" (-bi est la marque
>>> du pluriel)
>>> Ce mot est emprunté dans plusieurs langues :
>>> - Finno-ougrien *s&jal "hérisson" (< *zaGar) [schwa
>>> repl .by '&' - JRW]
>>> - Allemand Igel "hérisson"

>>The latter goes back to PIE *h1eg^hi-.

> I deny any existence to this supposed PIE root.

That's your problem. It has reflexes in Gk., Gmc., and B-S.
