Re: Order of Some Indo-Iranian Sound Changes

From: tgpedersen
Message: 57689
Date: 2008-04-19

--- In, "david_russell_watson" <liberty@...>
> As we know, in the course of the evolution of P.I.E.
> into Proto-Indo-Iranian the palato-velar stops became
> palatal or pre-palatal affricates, which subsequently
> developed fricative allophones before dental stops, so:
> k^
> g^
> g^H
> k^t
> g^d
> g^dH
> became
> c´
> j´
> j´H
> c´t = [s´]t
> j´d = [z´]d
> j´dH = [z´]dH
> In another change /s/ and its allophone [z] develop
> palatal or pre-palatal allophones after /r/, /w/, /k/,
> or /y/, RUKI, with the resulting allophones merging
> completely at some point with the fricative allophones
> of the affricates, if not identical to them from the
> start.
> Is it known, or is there any way of knowing, which of
> the changes came first?

I know there is a problem with the ordering of these two rules in
IIr., but I can't remember what it was. However, I do remember I think
I solved it:
which has consequences fot the formulation of Grimm's law:
