Re: Ban all non academic discussions

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 57675
Date: 2008-04-19

----- Original Message -----
From: "kishore patnaik" <kishorepatnaik09@...>
> I think all the above comments show the closed thinking of the authors. My
> concept of MBh dating is based on scientific calculations.
> Mbh was clearly known by the time of Panini and Kautilya, whose times
> themselves are a matter of contention depending upon whether you accept
> sandrocottus as the anchor sheet or not.
> In any case, since both the parties know that what I am writing is not
> accepted by mainstream, it does well to talk something academic instead of
> making adjectival statements, which will not take us anywhere.
> I hope the members keep this thing in view.
> Kishore patnaik

You have asked for serious discussions.

Now you start ad hominem attacks the following hour.

You spend too much time commenting,
and macro-analysing who is supposedly thinking what,

If you have a solid theory,
describe it from A to Z.

So far your documentation can be summed up as :
"It's obvious but it's not accepted".

What makes it so obvious ?
