Re: Not "catching the wind " , or, what ARE we discussing?

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 57510
Date: 2008-04-17

At 3:30:14 PM on Wednesday, April 16, 2008, stlatos wrote:

> --- In, "Patrick Ryan"
> <proto-language@...> wrote:


>> All these long unexplained lists in your message! What do
>> they prove?

> What do you mean by 'unexplained'? I've given lists of
> hundreds of rules before.

Yes, you have. Do you really think that anyone else has
learnt them? Perhaps Piotr retains a general mental
outline, but I'd be very much surprised if anyone else
retained even that much. You're using a non-standard
reconstruction of PIE phonology, your own notation, and
a somewhat non-standard philosophy of reconstruction (that
I, at least, find both unattractive and unconvincing). As
Piotr once suggested:

You should try to publish your ideas in a systematic way
for easier reference. They are scattered over hundreds of
postings and that often makes it difficult to evaluate and
discuss your proposals.
