Re: Horse Sense (was: [tied] Re: Hachmann versus Kossack?)

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 57349
Date: 2008-04-15

> ***
>> The idea that the P.I.E. velar stops derived from earlier
>> fricatives can't be made on the basis of cognates, however,
> >since P.I.E. has no known relatives to provide those. It's
> >a matter entirely of internal reconstruction, and I don't
> >believe anybody's been led to posit pre-P.I.E. fricatives
> >as the source of P.I.E. velar stops on that basis either.
> >David
> ***
> Patrick:
> As I have said, the case can be made from cognates if extra-PIE data is
> permitted to be utilized; ***

Internal IE data show stops were not laryngeals,
and they seldom alternate together.
External data confirm that stops were stops,
and that laryngeals, especially H1, were more weakly articulated consonants.

External data, be it Basque, PAA, Uralic, ST, will never transform a
fricative into a stop in PIE.

