Re: Hachmann versus Kossack?

From: george knysh
Message: 57174
Date: 2008-04-12

--- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

> > GK: Sorry, Torsten,but this won't do. You're
> > retreating into generalities. The question "Why
> > Przeworsk?", rather than, say, Gubin Yastorf, has
> not
> > been answered. And the relationship between
> "Berig's
> > people" and "Przeworsk" even less.
> Like this:
> After Ariovistus' defeat, some of the upper layer
> went northeast to
> Jastorf and influenced that culture to become Elbe
> Germani.

****GK: Why would that culture not have been in
process of transformation into Elbe Germanic prior to
and independently of the Ariovistus saga? He was
Suebian before coming to Gaul, left relatives in his
homeland, and had nearly all the Semnones (most
likely)on the banks of the Rhine (led by other
leaders) ready to join him before his defeat.****

Later they
> went to Denmark and Southern Scandinavia from where
> Berig, as part of
> that layer, went to the southern coast of the
> Baltic.
> That takes some proving.

****GK: At the moment that's just a verbal assertion
which requires no other disproof than an equally
verbal denial.****

Now, shoot away.

****GK: There seems to be no consensus amongst
linguists as to the time frame of the initiation and
spread of the Grimm shift. I could mention some
pertinent facts about the spread of "Germanic" partly
independent of this, partly related thereto (in the
eyes of some at any rate). Anon.****

> BTW, if we assume the Gothic language came about
> that way we might see
> Gothic as language not inflenced by Verner, but with
> loans that are
> (fulgins etc), instead of the traditional view that
> Gothic was
> influenced by Verner, but later regularized
> paradigms.

****GK: BTW AF has sent me a defence of his "Asiatic
Germans" position. Purely linguistic. Is there any
reason why he can't propose this to the cybalist
community? He says he's "under embargo", but another
post of his has just appeared here...****

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