Re: dating of aryans

From: kishore patnaik
Message: 57131
Date: 2008-04-10

  One good rule of thumb is: don't come to a list of linguists and
tell them what linguistics is or what linguistics says, but rather
let _them_ tell _you_.

Cybalist has a good tradition of openly and actively discussing every opinion presented to the members.  It is non chauvinistic and the members  do not   wear any scholastic airs about them.  I am sure we will keep up this tradition.   This is in response to David's idea that non linguists are here on the group to listen ( I understand he is also a non professional in that area) In more closed groups run by MW and SF,  such as MTLR and Indo Eurasia,  non professionals are mere lurkers and even very good contributions are viewed skeptically, if not with disdain. The suggestion of David is more opt there. The same practice can not go on Cybalist, since the constitution of the group seems to be   different than that of  those like MTLR. 


I would want Cybalist to keep up its traditions of openness.

kishore patnaik