Re: dhuga:ter ('LARYNGEALS')

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 55952
Date: 2008-03-26

----- Original Message -----
From: Piotr Gasiorowski

On 2008-03-25 23:28, fournet.arnaud wrote:

> In north Caucasic,
> to see/ eye *?_kw
> face : *H_(r)q.w

And which PIE _word_ is the latter supposed to be related to? ;). And
whose reconstruction is it anyway? Starostin's etymological database has
PNC *?_wIl?_i ("one of the most widely spread NC roots") for 'eye',
*?_werV for 'look, sight', *Ha^rq.wa 'face, eyebrow' (one of several
'face' words). What have they got to do with PIE?


M Gasiorowski,

This answer is not very elegant.

It also shows that you have seldom looked
at NC database, you would know that
the best thing to do is to search thru
each item

Tsakhur aq.w "face"
Tsakhur h-agwa "to show"
(h- seems to be a morpheme)

"To see/Eye" is not "face" in NC

I consider NC is part of PIE.
If you disagree, you can be open-minded enough
to admit that the existence of languages so close
geographically to PIE with this distinction
is highly suggestive that PIE also did that.

I will add Klallam :
forehead s-q.w°N°s (R = q.w_N)
to see sc-k.w°n-ul~ (R = k.w_n)
(Montler klallam 366 361)

Klallam makes velar ~ uvular contrast
EXACTLY in the same way as Tsakhur.

I will never stop working with
phonetic correspondances because
this method just works so good.
