Re: dhuga:ter ('LARYNGEALS')

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 55892
Date: 2008-03-24

On 2008-03-24 23:07, fournet.arnaud wrote:

> You know
> "sheep" used to be *H3owi
> "bone" used to be *H3ost-
> Why is it impossible to assume
> that ossomai is H1okw-j-e/o
> denominative from Hokw "eye" ?

OK, but the reconstructions of *h2owi- and *h2ost- have not been emended
without reason (*h2ast- = //h2est-//, the weak allomorph of *h2ost-, is
even directly attested in Celtic, and there's some good if less direct
evidence for *h2awi-). Now, what evidence makes you posit *h1 in 'eye/look'?
