Re: Latin -idus as from dH- too

From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 55308
Date: 2008-03-16

On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 13:15:47 -0000, "alexandru_mg3"
<alexandru_mg3@...> wrote:

> So Next, you will say that we have h3 in Skt. bu:-t'i (< *buh2-t'i)

That's not a very good counter-example: it's *bhúh2-tis >
Skt. bhú:tis, Grk. phúsis.

More challenging is *bhuh2-tó-, where we would expect
*bhuthó- > Skt. *buthá-, Grk. *puthó-. In fact, we *do* have
an otherwise unexplained short -u- in Greek phutón (and also
phúsis). Olsen's theory explains this quite adequately. How
do you? All we need to assume further is a slightly
irregular application of Grassmann's law (*bhuthó- >
bhutó-), and restoration of /u:/ in Sanskrit.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal