From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 54909
Date: 2008-03-09
>Whether short or long, at least the Uralicists have a vowel
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
>>Chinese Mandarin san1 "three"
>>and Tibetan gsum have a clear relationship
>>with Uralic Hungarian ha:rom.
>Of course those stupid Uralicists derive the Hungarian form
>from PFU *kolmi (Finn. kolme, Saami gol'bmâ, Mordvin kolmo,
>Mari këm ~ kuum, Udmurt kwin'(m-), Komi kujim; Mansi kuurem,
>Xanty käälem, Hung három).
>I let you explain how supposedly *kolmi :
>with a short o and -l-
>can become ha:rom with long a: and -r-
>Mansi is long too : kuurem, xuurem, koorem.
>Now Ostyak has xutem.
>I let you explain how to get -t- out of -l-.
>MAybe you have some magical wand(s)
>to solve these implausible equations.
>Uralicists are not stupid.
>They just should apply the comparative method,
>look at the data, establish correspondances,
>and reconstruct proto-forms according to that.