Re: Etruscan
From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 54532
Date: 2008-03-02
That is not entirely correct (because overly simplified).
The full story is something like this:
PAA may have had the following series of affricates and
sibilants (I'll use <.> for emphatics (glottalized/velarized
/pharyngealized), <c> for [ts], <3> for [dz], <s^> etc. for
post-alveolar shibilants, and <L> and <£> for a lateral
ficative and affricate, respectively):
dent/alv s c c. 3
I rewrite s ts ts? dz
for the sake of clarity.
Egyptian has both *z > &
and *dz > z = s
there was also a distinction
between *s? and *ts?
postalv s^ c^ c^. 3^
These don't exist.
lateral L £ £. -
Another possibility is that these series originally merely
represented palatalized allophones:
Definitely not a good idea.
Traditional notation for Proto-Semitic relates to this as
Traditional ??
I give my own "tradition" :
PSem (trad.)
s s^ (Arabic s, Hebrew s^)
(me : *s)
c s (Arabic s, Hebrew s)
(me : *ts)
c. s. (Arabic s., Hebrew s.)
(me : s? ts?)
3 z (Arabic z, Hebrew z)
(me : z dz)
s^ * (Akkadian s^, Arabic h, Hebrew h)
(me : *h Akkadian is palatalized)
c^ t_ (Arabic t_, Hebrew s^)
(me : stressed *t)
c^. t_. (Arabic ð. (z.), Hebrew s.)
(me : dh? basically a variant of t?)
3^ d_ (Arabic d_, Hebrew z)
L s' (Arabic s^, Hebrew s', Phoenician s^)
(me : thl?)
£ * (South Arabic £, merged with s' elsewhere)
(me : thl)
£. s'. (Arabic d., Hebrew s.)
(Wrong, does not exist)
Lacking is *dhl
Arabic sh, Hebrew sh.
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