
From: Rick McCallister
Message: 54471
Date: 2008-03-02

According to Wikipedia "Sicels"
There were 3 (known) pre-Greek peoples in Sicily:
the Siceli (Sicels) --who were said to be related to
the pre-Osco-Umbrian speakers of Calabria and
Campania. They or speakers of a related language
supposedly coined the term Italia

Here's an inscription from their language

Sicel: Inscription from Centuripe


Anyone want to take a crack at it?

There are 4 or so more inscrptions and supposedly
glosses as well
Any one have them
I've read postings that claim that Sicel
was Q-Italic
and others that it was related to Ligurian
and others that see Q-Italic, Ligurian and Lusitanian
as the same sub-branch of Italic.
Can anyone clear that up?

The other Sicilian languages were Sicani and Elymian

The ancients claimed Sicani were Iberians and offered
as "proof" Segres in Cataluña, ancient Siculi
Are there any Sicani glosses or inscriptions?

The ancients claimed Elymians were Trojan refugees who
stayed at the western tip of Sicily while their
congeners moved on to Troy
Are there any Elymian glosses or inscriptions?

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