Fw: Re: [tied] Burushaski

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 54176
Date: 2008-02-26

----- Original Message -----
From: "fournet.arnaud" <fournet.arnaud@...>
To: <cybalist@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [tied] Burushaski

> This focuses on the dif., more on Br. alone (including some slightly
> treated below) later.
> see http://starling.rinet.ru/ for more
> Burushaski (Yas, H, N dia.) is closest to Yenisseian (Ke, Ko, Ar, P dia.),
> but they had
> differences from long ago, with Yen. sharing some features with Dardic
> like Khowar.
> Stl
> =======================
Here are a couple of words
from Starostin

> Arnaud
> =============
PY *-G- = PIE *p

The pseudo-laryngeal -G- of Starostin is *p.

PY *p = PIE *bh

1. *pä?j "kedr" = "cedar"

i.e 146 *bhuH-

Germanic *baum "tree"

H is H2.1 *?

2. *pugəm "mjagkij" = "soft, pliable"

i.e 152 *bheug

Irish bog = soft

3. *pu "serdtse" = "heart, inside"

i.e 98 *beu > derivatives belly, trunk etc

German Bauch

4. *pitəm "nizkij" = "low"

i.e 174 bhudh "bottom"

5. *penəng "pesok" = "sand"

i.e 145 bhes

Greek psammos

6. *kuləp "gornostaj" = "ermin"

Siberian word.

Cf. UEW p.116

Finnish kärppä

7. *jə:pe "list" = "leaf"

i.e 690 *leu-p

Germanic *laub "leaf"

PY *b = PIE *b or *w

8. *bej "veter" = "wind"

i.e 81 weH1

NB : H1 > PY *j

9. *bes "vetcher" = "evening"

i.e 1173 wes(-per)

10. *?ob "otets" = "father"

i.e 89 awo

Semitic ?ab "father"

11. *borba "grib" = "fungus"

12. *xob "spina" = "back"

i.e 931 skep

Latin scapula

PY *m = PIE *m

13. *?ama "matj" = "mother"

i.e 700 maH-t

14. *?im "oreh" = "nut"

15. *tchem "gusj" = "goose"

PY *w = PIE *H2+w or *H2+p or H2+b

16. *we "ne" = "not"

Latin haud

Arabic ?ab "to deny"

17. *wə "delatj" = "to do"

i.e 780 op

Latin opus

18. *wiR "pronominal stem" = "where, how"

i.e 73 aw

19. *tu?w "glina" = "clay"


Cf. i.e 244 dheigh

20. *xowe "rot" = "mouth"

i.e 449 ghew

21. *?aw/?u "ty" = "thou"

22. *xi?w "berësta" = "birch-bark"

i.e 951 s-keu(H)

Latin cu:tis

PY *t = PIE *Tl > l or *Dl > r

23. *tuxən "grebenj" = "comb"

24. *täk "belyj" = "white"

i.e 687 leuk < *Tlewk

25. *tix "lodka"= "boat"

26. *?e?te "zhyvoj"= "alive"


Cf. i.e 17 ayw

Cf. i.e 336 er "to move"

27. *tat "prjamoj"= "straight"


Cf. i.e 854 reg-t

PY *d = PIE *dh

28. *des "glaz" = "eye"

i.e dhay < *t?-&_y "to see"

29. *dinje "ëlj" = "fir-tree"

Cf. Germanic *danw

30. *du?x "dym" = "smoke"

i.e 261 dheu

31. *kerəd "gorlo" = "throat"

i.e 474 gwer

32. *gi?d "zhyr" = "grease"


i.e 485 gwres

33. *xogd "ocenj" = "autumn"

34. *gu?da "pojasok" = "belt, waist-band"

PY *n = PIE *n

35. *?i?n "igla" = "needle"

i.e 973 *s-neH

English needle

36. *ti?n "kotelj" = "boiler"

37. *?o?n "semj" = "seven"

PY *r = PIE *r

38. *sur "krovj" = "blood"

i.e 621 *kreu

39. *(?as-)pər "oblako" = "cloud"

40. *xur "dozhdj" = "rain"

i.e 597 keHwero

Cf. shower < *sku:ra

41. *tingər "vysokij" = "haut"

i.e 196 *d_longh

42. *?aru "hitryj" = "cunning, crafty"

i.e 55 *H2ar

43. *qəqər "zhëltch, gorkij" = "bile ; acid"

Cf. Latin bi:l- < *gwi(s)l

44. *pu?r "jasnyj" = "fine (weather)"

45. *xura "vlazhnyj" = "damp"

Cf. n° 40

46. *täxər "vydra" = "otter"

Unclear relationship with *H2ud-ra "otter"

47. *xi?r "ljagushka" = "frog"

PY *l = PIE *l

48. *tulaq "gnilushka" = "rotten wood"

49. *talqən "muka" = "torment"

50. *so?ol "narta" = "sledge"

i.e 901 sel-k

51. *bul "noga" = "leg, foot"

Unclear relationship with *ped "foot"

52. *?olk "noc" = "nose"

i.e 755 HneH-s

Cf. Sanscrit nakka

53. *bulər "tchulok" = "stockings"

Cf. n° 51

54. *xol "schëka" = "cheek"

i.e 449 gheuH

Cf. n° 31 et 20

55. *xolab "storona, polovina" = "side, half"

i.e 923 skel-p

Cf. Germanic *half

PY *ts = PIE *k

56. *tse:se "valenok" = "boot(s)"

Cf. Germanic s-ko:h- "shoe"

57. *tsenge "volosy" = "(head) hair"

Cf. Germanic he:r > *kaH2-

58. *tsə(n)t "muzh" = "man"

Data is a bit obscure.

i.e 577 kor

59. *tsi?G "golova" = "head"

Better *ki?p-

i.e 529 kap-ut

60. *tsi:k "ryba" = "fish"

Possibly i.e 416 ghdhuH

61. *?ä?k "skoro" = "quick, fast"

PY *zh = PIE *g

62. *zhəl "rebënok" = "child"

Cf. Germanic *kil-

63. *xä?zh "verhnjaja odezhda" = "(over)coat ; outdoor clothes"

Cf. Germanic *kotta-

64. *?azh "ja" = "me"

i.e 291 eg-ô

65. *?ulazh "rebro" = "rib"

PY *R = PIE *r

Starostin writes R as r1.

66. *kaRe "vojna" = "war"

Cf. Germanic *hil-d "war"

67. *saGaR "notchevatj" = "to stay the night"

Better *saP < *swep "sleep"

68. *piR "sladkij" = "sweet"

69. *xuR "voda" = "water"

i.e 9 Hwer

PY *s = PIE *s or *k

70. *sa?q "belka" = "squirrel"

Latin squi-rulus

71. *siGa "god" = "year"

Better *siP or *kiP

72. *se?s "listvennitsa" = "larch"

73. *ses "retchka" = "small river"

Unclear relationship with i.e 893 seik(w)