
From: stlatos
Message: 53689
Date: 2008-02-19

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Francesco Brighenti" <frabrig@...> wrote:

> I've read for the nth timesince 2005 the conclusions of LK's paper
> linked to above, and this is, in short, what I think of his
> arguments:
> 1) The BMAC and the cultures of the Andronovo archaeol. horizon may
> have shared common ancestors: NO.
> 2) The BMAC people(s) may have been Indo-Iranian speakers: NO -- the
> languages of the BMAC, at least some of them, may have belonged to
> the Macro-Caucasian super-phylum as the present-day Burushos of
> Northern Pakistan.

I've just begun looking at Burushaski and it is obviously an Indo-European language
closely related to other Indo-Iranian languages and Armenian (like Khowar, Nuristani
languages, etc.) in every vocabulary group. Why hasn't this been seen before and