From: george knysh
Message: 53626
Date: 2008-02-18
> The best explanation is that Temarunda had *mater****GK: Perhaps because they did have such contact,
> > temar- and *udna- > -unda :
> 'mother' and 'water' sim. to the gloss but actually
> meaning 'Mother Sea'. Why would a
> people living by a small sea call it the mother of a
> larger sea they have no contact with?
> The only supposed connection of the name with the****GK: I've always had my doubts about the Scythian
> Black Sea is the thought that tem- is
> from 'dark',
> 'mother'; there's no 'dark' in the gloss. The____________________________________________________________________________________
> slightly distorted form is probably from some
> misunderstanding in the initial translation.
> Since I don't know the necessary characteristics of
> the original language or what it was
> first translated into on its way into history,
> that's about all I can say.