Re: Temarunda (follow up)

From: george knysh
Message: 53626
Date: 2008-02-18

--- stlatos <stlatos@...> wrote:

> The best explanation is that Temarunda had *mater
> > temar- and *udna- > -unda :
> 'mother' and 'water' sim. to the gloss but actually
> meaning 'Mother Sea'. Why would a
> people living by a small sea call it the mother of a
> larger sea they have no contact with?

****GK: Perhaps because they did have such contact,
since some of them, esp.the Sinds, were subjects of
the Bosporan monarchs (even though they had autonomy
under their own reguli). As to your explanation:
"unda" means "sea"in classical Latin, and temar- is a
garbled Latin Mater? Perhaps I've misunderstood. ****

> The only supposed connection of the name with the
> Black Sea is the thought that tem- is
> from 'dark',

****GK: I've always had my doubts about the Scythian
version of the original name. "Black" is not attested
until nearly 2,000 years after the Scythians (who
should probably have called it the "Red".****

but it's actually part of the word
> 'mother'; there's no 'dark' in the gloss. The
> slightly distorted form is probably from some
> misunderstanding in the initial translation.
> Since I don't know the necessary characteristics of
> the original language or what it was
> first translated into on its way into history,
> that's about all I can say.

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