From: jouppe
Message: 53544
Date: 2008-02-17
> > PU *nohu "woman" has nothing to do with PIE *gw_n
> > and has to be compared with :
> > Sino-tibetan noh "woman"
> > Chinese nü3 "woman"
> > Tibetan mnah "a bride"
> > and you can see that Salish has *nexw "woman"
> >
> > Refuted.
> >
> > Arnaud
> ------------
> 'has to be compared with' is utterly ambiguous. Do you mean loans or
> are you establishing cognates here? In either case you have to
> postulate a lot of speculative presuppositions.
> Jouppe
> ------------
> I don't think "has to be" is ambiguous.
> Whatever the status of Uralic word *nohu "woman"
> when it comes to Sino-Tibetan or Salish,
> the structure of Uralic is nicely exhibited
> by all the other words.
> And this refutes any connection between nohu
> and PIE guneH2.
> Arnaud
> ==========
> The reconstruction like pseudo-Finnish kesä is worse than bad.---------
> Moksha is kiza : impossibly derivable from this thing **kesä
> ------------
> Finnish 'pesä' is Moksha 'piza'
> Jouppe
> ------------
> So what ?
> Finnish e and Moksha i correspond.
> These languages are close relatives.
> I'd be grateful if you add meanings to the words.
> It means "nest"
> Arnaud
> ===============
> ------------and
> Now again we are discussing European languages, like Finno-Permic
> PIE. What has China and Eastern Eurasia to with it? Pseudoscience isThe large amount of IE loans, including western ones seems to
> forbidden by the rules of the forum.
> Jouppe
> ------------
> Uralic originates in Western Siberia
> Most probably from the Ob and Ienissei Basin.
> Do you deny this obvious fact ?
>As long as you dont apply proper multiple correspondancies i am
> Finnish kesä "summer"
> Moksha kiza
> Turkish kizdirmak "hot"
> Finnish pesä "nest"
> Moksha piza
> Tungus pubi "nest"
> It's not pseudo-science.
> Arnaud
> ========================