From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 53533
Date: 2008-02-17
> --- In, "mkelkar2003"[...]
> <swatimkelkar@...> wrote:
>> This is the so called Uralic Continuity Theory (inYou're too late:
>> Finnish: uralilainen jatkuvuusteoria), developed in the
>> Seventies by archaeologists and linguists specialised in
>> the Uralic area of Europe, that is the area of
>> Finno-Ugric and Samoyed languages. This theory claims an
>> uninterrupted continuity of Uralic populations and
>> languages from Paleolithic: [...]
> That is indeed ingenious. Thus the way has been opened for
> my English Continuity Theory, which states that English
> has always been spoken where it is spoken today.