Re: [Courrier indésirable] [tied] Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white
From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 53389
Date: 2008-02-16
If you throw in Dravidian with this Indo-Uralic stuff it is quite a
kitchen sink, isn't it? See what the not so in depth scholar Elst says
bout this:
"A third partner in this relation�ship must also be taken into
account, though its connection with Uralic looks older and deeper than
that of PIE: Dravidian. Witzel (1999/1:349) acknowledges the
"lingui�stic connections of Dravidian with Uralic".
Sensible and learned people like Björn Collinder
have studied at length the relation of Uralic
with Altaic, PIE and Yukaghir.
He considers that the connection of Uralic and Dravidian
does not even enter the competition.
Both are families
of aggluti�native languages with flexive tendencies, abhorring
consonant clusters and favouring the stress on the first syllable.
Sergent (1997:65-72) maps out their relationship in some detail, again
pointing to the northwest outside India as the origin of Dravidian. We
may ignore Sergent's theory of an African origin of Dravidian for now,
and limit our attention to his less eccentric position that a
Proto-Dravidian group at one point ended up in Central Asia, there to
leave substra�tum traces discerni�ble even in the IE immigrant
language Tocharian. The most successful lineage of Dravidians outside
India was the one which mixed its language with some Palaeo-Siberian
tongue, yielding the Uralic langua�ge family.
Looking around for a plausible location for this develop�ment, we
that Siberia may have been a peripheral part where the resulting
language could survive best in relative isolation, but that its
origins may have been in a more crossroads-like region such as
There Bactria Sogdia surfaces again! Nichols may be onto something.
All this mixup IE, Uralic, Dravidian may have been happening there. At
present no one can no for sure when and how?
M. Kelkar
You really have the most absurd and perverted theories.
Pushing out of India Dravidian
to make room for your *insane* theory.
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