Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?

From: george knysh
Message: 53306
Date: 2008-02-15

--- mkelkar2003 <swatimkelkar@...> wrote:

> Very scientific! Dixon's BULLSHIT! punctuality
> equilibrium model has
> been validated in a recent Science magazine article
> Evolution of language in punctual bursts."
> Every one who does not agree with you is "aged"
> (Dhavalikar), "compromised" and colored by
> "indiginist point of view"
> Not everyone who supports the OIT model is of South
> Asian origin.
> Lets continue this "scientific" dialgoue.
> M. Kelkar

****GK: The OIT has been effectively refuted time and
again in our archives. Kelkar has nothing new to
contribute and just keeps repeating himself, lapsing
into inconsequential comments such as the above
instead of dealing with arguments. A familiar tactic.
I, for one, will henceforth ignore him. But a thought
comes to mind. Why should someone like Kelkar have the
right to continue his crusades when Torsten was asked
to discontinue his Odinist fantasies? Is OIT less
annoying than Odinism? Or do we discriminate against
Danes (:=)))? Perhaps we could leave it to our
moderators to decide when and if Kelkar and his ilk
have something genuine to advance in favour of their
views? Why continue repeating ad nauseam e.g. messages
43547ss. and many similar contexts?****

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