Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 52547
Date: 2008-02-09

> One of the points Piotr seeks to make in his paper
> is to argue for the
> existence, otherwise unattested, of the form *gWeu-
> The HS (my PA) root in Orel & Stolbova #516 is
> listed in three forms:
> *ca?-/*caw-/*cay-, "move upwards'
> The <c> has an inverted chevron.
> If one assumes that Nostratic is the parent of both
> PA and PIE, and these
> are inherited roots from Nostratic, presumably, at
> some point, PIE had them,
> too.
> In PIE, they would have the forms *gWa(:)H-, *gWei-,
> and *gWeu.
PIE *gw can only be PAA *q

Whatever that hatchek root really is.
I suppose it should better be read *ts
What are the PAA data supporting #516 ?

> That is the existence of PIE *gWem-, which almost
> corresponds with O&S #550,
> namely *cem-, 'go, enter' (same chevron, of course).
PIE *gwem does not exist.
the root is *gw
with two extensions : gw_H2 and gw_m.
And Meillet does not reject gw_n- for LAtin.
A third one.
