Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-

From: Patrick Ryan
Message: 52540
Date: 2008-02-09


I will put up with the inconvenience of the book.

But thanks.


----- Original Message -----
From: "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 4:39 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-

> But what if the verb was really PIE *gWHe/-h2/-m/-w/, reduplicated
> *gWegWHow, with Grassmann. When decomposed, one could get both
> *gWem- -> come etc and *gWHe- -> go etc, cf
> Any comments, Piotr?
> Torsten
> ***
> Where in H--- did the *H come from?????

I just made it up. Why I did that should be in the posting. Any
question on specifics, just ask.

> I am going to address your question to Piotr if you do mind.
> The word started out as *gWa-. When a glottal stop was added, it
> lengthened and preserved the earliest vowel quality -> *gWa:-
> (*gWaH{2}-). Without
> lengthening, the vowel reverted to the vowel of an stress-accented
> root syllable -> *gWé- to which -*y could be added, producing
> *gWéy-, 'live'; rather than your decomposed answer, just add -*m to
> it and -> *gWem-.
Nope. AFAIK the ablaut vowel was PPIE (= proto-proto-IE) /a/. it
became /e/, /o/ or zero, but stayed /a/ before /x/.

> Piotr wants to assume a third variant in -*w -? *gWew-; from my
> perspective, the existence of this variant in Proto-Afrasian leads
> to a probability that it existed in PIE, and so his case is
> strengthened.

I strongly suspect my old friend /n,gW/ (traditionally *gW) is afoot

> What does Møller have to say about it? I am not being sarcastic.

Vergleichendes indogermanisch-semitisches Wörterbuch:
gW-m- 'gehn, sich an etw. machen' (< voridg. G.W-m-),
sanskr. gáma-ti avest. jamaiti 'geht, kommt',
got. qiman ahd. chweman an. koma 'kommen',
gr. baíno: lat. venio (< gum.yo:),
sanskr. -gamjá-te:, gácchati
gr. Imp. báske (< gWm.ske),

= semit. k.W-m- (< ursemit. G.W-m-) in
amhar. reflex. tæ-k.Wa.kWæmæ 'entgegenstehn, sich widersetzen',
sonst semit. k.-w-m- (< k.W-m-, s. SI. § 52),
Perf. arab. k.a:ma 'stetit, substitit (stopped), he stood up, rose
(from sitting or reclining), attended to (the affair,
k.a:ma ramad.a:na 'he performed the prayers of Ramad.a:n',
vgl. nhd. 'er beging' den Ramadan), accessit (ad quendam), surrexit
(Y.alay-hi contra eum', vgl.
avest. gam- mit paiti 'sich wenden gegen', gr. baíno: epí tini etc.);
äthiop. Perf. k.o:ma 'stare, existere, oriri, resistere, obsistere',
III reflex. ta-k.a:wama 'insurgere contra aliquem';
syr. k.åm 'stetit, surrexit, rebellavit (contra aliquem)',
hebr. k.a:m 'aufstehn, sich erheben um etw. zu tun, zur Hilfe,
auftreten, aufkommen, aufstehn (von den Toten), feindlich auftreten
(gegen jem.), s. SI. 123f.

so he agrees with you.

k^-ng- intr. 'gehn' (< voridg. intr. k´ának- oder X´ának-) oder
k^-ngh- (aus der voridg. Wechselform mit -K.-) in mittelir. cingim 'vado'
[: idg. o-stufig ghongh- (< voridg. K.´-n-K.-)1) in
ahd. as. gangan an. ganga got. gaggan
(idg. 1. Sing. *ghongh-mi) 'gehn';
e-stufìg g^heng-(oder -gh-) in
lit. zengiù 'schreite', wozu Reduktion in ziñksnis 'Schritt'],

== semit. h-l-k- 'gehn' (wenn aus k'-l-k- oder X´-l-k- mit l < n vor
folgendem k ebenso wie in
semit. A-l-k-,
arab. `alaka 'er war Bote'
= idg. 1ang- S. 11 in gr. ággelos),

hebr. ha:laX 'gehn, wandeln', Pi. Hithp. 'gehn',
syr. Pa. halleX (jüd.-aram. halle:X)
'ivit, ambulavit, in-cessit, migravit, discessit, periit',
hebr. ha:li:X 'Schritt',
hali:Xa: 'das Gehn', Plur. hali:Xo:þ- 'Karawane, Prozession',
ma-hala:X 'Gang, Reise, Weg',
assyr. Inf. ala:ku 'gehn, kommen',
alaktu f. 'Gang, Weg, Bahn',
arab. halaka > 'periit'
(mit dem gewöhnlichen Euphemismus 'dahin-gehn' für 'sterben').
Wenn das semit. h nicht = idg. k^ [: g^h], sondern < voridg.-semit. h
gewesen ist, so ist semit. h-l-k- : idg. ergh- (gr. érkomai), s. d. S. 71.

1) Die Aspiraten nach der Regel SI. S. 143 Note 2, das velare gh statt
g^h nach der Regel SI. § 207.

BTW, if you acquire one of these babies
I could send you the corresponding files of Møller's books.


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