Re[4]: [tied] Languages Evolve in Punctuational Bursts

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 52456
Date: 2008-02-07

At 3:49:57 PM on Thursday, February 7, 2008, Rick
McCallister wrote:

> Really? How many young mengo by Dick and Peter these days?

I don't know how many of them use the full form, but <Peter>
is the 145th most common masculine name for U.S. children
born in the 2000s (through February 2007), with 19,491
instances. It's true that it's in decline, but it's hardly

1990s: 89th; 42,313 instances
1980s: 61st; 56,542 instances
1970s: 55th; 62,239 instances
