From: ualarauans
Message: 52207
Date: 2008-02-03
>Iirc it means "lie" in the first place, doesn't it?
> The word Druh has a very special connotation.
> It means violation or molestation of (an established) Order.
> It is noteworthy here that Avesta use the word Asa (hence, Asuras =The etymology of Avestan asha (= Skt. rta) has nothing to do with
> one who follows Order) for the word Order and Rg Veda uses the word
> Rta. (Hence, Vrtra= one who has stopped the Order or Intertia)
> From the word emanates the tribal name Druhyu.variously
> Druhyus, literally meaning the violent people, are mentioned
> in Rg Veda.violators
> They must have been called so, since they are seen to be the
> of the Order- who were disturbing the sacrificial schedule of theAryans.
>They must be crazy.
> The Puranas depict Druhyu as the son of Yayati. He succeeded to the
> northern parts of India (or the kingdom ruled by Yayati) .
> The out of India theorists try to link Druhyus with Dorian or even,
> Celtic people.
> Interestingly, the word Druh also has a meaning priest, like inpriest)
> Asuradruh (Sage Sukra) from which the word Druid (the Celtic
> seems to have been derived.So you mean druids were "disturbing the sacrificial schedule of the
> More over, Druhyu is the son of Sarmishta, the grand daughter ofDanu,
> who dons the role of mother of Celtics.Where in the Indian scriptures are the Celts mentioned?
> I invite comments.I offer some :)