Re: bitch

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 51531
Date: 2008-01-20

I've heard the story that when Jimmy Carter went to
Brazil during the dictatorship to spur human rights
that the fascist generals put up a tapestry behind him
full of deer "viado", and had the camera show him with
antlers coming out of his head. Is that true or
Another story is that when Nixon went to Brazil he
gave a US "okay" sign with rounded thumb and index
fingers and they whisked him back on the plane
immediately t keep him from being lynched.

--- Francisco Antonio Doria <doriagen@...>

> Bicha, viado, are slang for (male) gay. Bicha comes
> from Fr. biche; viado = male cerf, veado in
> Portuguese.
> Rick McCallister <gabaroo6958@...> escreveu:
> What is the root of
> bitch? Is it from French biche?
> In Spanish bicho is a ubiquitous slang word with
> lots
> of different meanings, depending on the region:
> "insect, vermin, wierdo, pervert, penis, young
> child"
> And in Portuguese bicha is a strong insult against
> gays
> Where is from in Romance? Is it related to *bukko?
> --- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> > --- In, Rick McCallister
> > <gabaroo6958@...> wrote:
> > >
> > > In American English it's very much alive in the
> > spoken
> > > language. I've heard the word as an insult all
> my
> > > life. It's up there with bitch, skank, skag and
> > slut
> > > and dialect ho' and beotch.
> >
> > Danish 'hore' is Biblical only; the corresponding
> > verb (meaning
> > "fornicate") is pretty conmmon. Sw. 'hora' is the
> > standard expression,
> > but is now also used increasingly derogatorily.
> >
> >
> > Torsten
> >
> >
> >
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