Re: Slavs

From: ualarauans
Message: 51187
Date: 2008-01-11

--- In, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> Is this the 'slavischer Sumpfmensch' etc idea? I don't think you can
> blame anyone for hiding out to avoid being annihilated. The Pripyat
> marshes served the same purpose in WWII, afaIk. Besides, the area is
> so relatively small that whichever refugee hid there (and for a long
> time at that) would do well to learn the local language.

That makes sense. But as I said I am not qualified to debate Slavic
urheimat. I know there are still theories and a lot of scholarly
fighting. For our ends, where are substrate Finns in Pripiat' region?
